Conduct of Visitors/General Public on School Property: The definition of general public is anyone who does not come under the definition of student, faculty member, staff member, or employee.
- All visitors, parents, guardians, etc. who visit the school for any reason (i.e. volunteering in the classroom, observation, meeting with school staff, etc.) are required to enter the school through the main/front doors, report to the school office, sign in, present and surrender identification, and wear a visitor badge at all times. In order to ensure the safety of the campus community, entrance to the school through other entrances is not permitted by visitors. All visitors must always be escorted by a staff member.
- No person shall visit or audit a classroom or other school activity, nor shall any person come upon or remain upon school premises, without prior approval by the principal or the principal's authorized representative, nor shall any person conduct or attempt to conduct any activity on school premises without prior approval by the principal or principal’s authorized representative.
- Any member of the general public considered by the principal, or a person authorized by the principal, to be in violation of these rules shall be instructed to leave school property. Failure to obey the instruction may subject the person to criminal proceedings pursuant to A.R.S. § 13-2911 and to any other applicable civil or criminal proceedings, or to tribal ordinance.
Please refer to our 2023-2024 School Handbook on pages 34-35 for more information.